
First Game Gear RPG Eternal Legend Gets English Fan Translation

Eternal Legend

The first-ever RPG game on the Sega Game Gear, Eternal Legend, has gotten an English fan translation by well-known fan translators TheMajinZenki and Supper. Previously, they worked on other Game Gear titles like the Madou Monogatari series and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.

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Developed by Japan Art Media, Eternal Legend tells a tale of a treasure hunter called Arwyn. He finds himself caught up in a journey spanning the entire world in order to find the lost city of Millenium. Together with his companions Ryall and Blue Moon, Arwyn will end up uncovering mysteries that have lasted since ages past in this long-forgotten paradise. Gameplay-wise, it plays like a regular JRPG with strong influences from other games in the genre. For example, it includes a monster summoning mechanic. The game’s continents are based on continents in the real world.

The fan translators have also taken the liberty of including the entire walkthrough for the game, as some of the steps needed to progress the story are quite obscure. Additionally, there are a few optional cheats to make the play experience easier, such as the ability to walk faster on the overworld.

Check out more screenshots below:

You can find the fan translation patch at

Eternal Legend was originally released for Sega Game Gear.

Alistair Wong
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Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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