
Fire Emblem Heroes Free-to-Play Units You Should Consider Building

Best Fire Emblem Heroes Free-to-Play Units You Should Consider Building

Fire Emblem Heroes’ take on gacha is a thrill or disaster, depending on whether you get lucky or not. Following the popularity of Fire Emblem, Intelligent Systems created Fire Emblem Heroes. It relies on Orbs and other materials as in-game currency to summon heroes from different games. While orbs are the main currency for the game, there are plenty of “freemium” options you can look into. At the start of the game’s debut, Grand Hero Battles and Tempest Trials were introduced to obtain free units, with great characters to look into if you want to focus on saving Orbs for a specific character you’re waiting for. Let’s look at some of the best free-to-play units you can invest in Fire Emblem Heroes.

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FEH Lumera

Lumera: Dragon Monarch

Lumera debuted alongside the Fire Emblem Engage banner to celebrate the game’s release and is one of the best most recent Fire Emblem Heroes free-to-play units. She was revealed to be the first Grand Hero Battles character for this entry. This Divine Dragon who rules over Lythos has great potential for both fodder and merge projects! Coming with Close Call 3 as the B slot skill, that’s already a fantastic option for your speedy units.

For builds, there are a handful of ways to make her useful. Whether she is using a budget build of Spd/Def Form 3 or Atk/Spd Form 3 as the A skill, her free Null Follow-Up as B, and any Drive 2 skills as her C slot, she does her job as a support and offensive unit.

If you want to go all in for her, you can rely on Divine Codes. There are many great A slot skills that can emphasize the offense Lumera will bring in combat. Stick with Null Follow-Up 3 for B slot, and you can either get Joint Drive Atk, Spd, or Spd Smoke 3.

If you manage to get Spd Smoke 4 as fodder, she will gain dodge and take advantage of damage reduction based on her speed. Specials and support skills can either have her vanilla Luna, Moonbow, and a position skill, or Aether, Ruptured Sky, Vital Astra. For support skills, we recommend duo rally skills or Harsh Command+.


FEH Kronya

Kronya: Gleaming Blade

Kronya from Fire Emblem: Three Houses was a menace when she first appeared as a Grand Hero Battle in Fire Emblem Heroes. Her weapon Athame lets her attack first if an opponent has taken damage. This also grants her +5 to her attack and speed in combat. Unless your unit had Windsweep 3 while Kronya has Close Counter or any other variation of the A slot, she will likely have the upper hand in killing your units. Close Reversal is also one of the best Slot A skills to tank an attack from physical units. For ranged units, she will be great with Atk/Spd Ideal 4 or Life and Death 4.

As future Grand Hero Battles came through and Kronya was outclassed due to power creep and counters, a weapon refine was overdue. She eventually got one. It might not be outright broken, but it helps out in supporting her dealing reliable damage akin to Poison Strike 2 and foes getting Exposure as an effect to add true damage.

Plus, emphasizing her Vantage niche is also a needed benefit for her weapon refinement. Slot B is no contest, as Special Spiral 4 or 3 will be absolutely deadly so that Kronya can always activate her special. Lull skills are great alternate options to focus more on lowering stats to deal more damage if Special Spiral isn’t an option.

Slot C depends on the build you want for Kronya. A budget option would be Savage Blow 3 to make sure that her dagger has the Vantage effect activated from enemy units that are near the one who initiated an attack. Examples of specials for budget and premium options include Moonbow, Glimmer, Luna, or Lethality, Ruptured Sky, and Blue Flame. Assist skills can be a positional skill, or the usual duo rally+ skills and Harsh Command+.


FEH Halloween Nils

Nils: Wandering Star

Nils isn’t a meta-breaking dancer, but that doesn’t disqualify him in the slightest. For budget and merge projects, he’s the go-to if you are wanting to save your orbs. He fills his role well as a dancer and makes great use of budget and premium builds. You can make him a tanky support dancer or an offensive dragon.

In any case, anything from HP/Spd 2 or Unity skills is not a bad idea for Slot A. Slot B will depend on the role he will take. A supportive dancer to ensure kills? Wings of Mercy 3 is going to be one of the best options. Offensive dancer? Dragon’s Wrath 4 is something to look into. Slot C will also depend on the play style. Time’s Pulse will help in getting his special go down. Meanwhile, he can use drive skills to be a cheerleader for others surrounding him.

Sing doesn’t score well in Arena, but it has its usage in Aether Raids if Nils has Wings of Mercy or Odd Pulse Tie 3 as his B skills. Specials again will vary, so Pavise, Moonbow, or even Aether are some skills to consider in how far you want to invest in the candy prince.


FEH Summer Elincia best Fire Emblem Heroes free-to-play units

Elincia: Seaside Queen

Elincia not too long ago just got her Ascended form and her loyal fans are celebrating their Crimean queen’s debut as a staff unit. Her announcement as a Tempest Trials+ reward made fans excited to see her Radiant Dawn incarnation again. Compared to Summer Lyn with her weapon refine, Summer Elincia is a top-tier free unit to pick up with grails.

Her weapon Whitecap Bow+ is a fantastic bow that is super efficient and includes a Brave Bow effect. Adding in a +5 attack and speed is also a nice bonus to help meet that goal. Like Lumera, Summer Elincia is a fantastic option as fodder or a merge project.

Atk/Spd Bond 3 is an outdated, but great skill to invest in so that Elincia can inherit Atk/Spd Unity. Atk/Spd Catch 4 is another great option to have her inherit. For a budget build, Atk/Spd Link 3 is fine to keep to help initiate the brave effect. For a premium option, she can rely on the likes of Spd/Def Far Trace 3. Slot C is very flexible, whether that is Atk/Spd Menace, Spd/Def Rein Hold, or even Spd Smoke 3 as a budget-friendly pick is just as effective.

Lastly, she can make use of position skills to make use of her Atk/Spd Link 3. Harsh Command+ and duo rally skills are beneficial for Arena scoring purposes. Specials such as Moonbow, Luna, Ruptured Sky, or Deadeye are great suggestions to dish out more damage.

Fire Emblem Heroes is available for Android and Apple iOS devices.

Rebekah McPherson
About The Author
Rebekah has written nearly thousands of articles revolving around the pop culture world, ranging from video games, movies/TV, and celebrity content. You may have seen her works in sites such as Valnet's TheGamer, FanSided's App Trigger, or just came across her work here at Gamepur's SiliconEra. When she is not working on freelance writing, editing, or at her full-time job, she is getting lost in video games, nostalgic movies, and being a full-time dog sitter to her loving Golden Retrievers and Yorkie.

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