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Final Fantasy XIV Official Playlists Now Available on Spotify, Apple Music, and Other Streaming Services

Final Fantasy XIV Official Playlist Spotify Apple

Square Enix released two official playlists for Final Fantasy XIV that you can now check out on Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming services. Additionally, we got two sample trailers for the playlists.

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Epic Encounters: Final Fantasy XIV

The Epic Encounters playlist focuses on battle music that includes everything from Titan’s theme “Under the Weight” to Tsukuyomi’s theme “Wayward Daughter”.

Here are the tracks for Epic Encounters playlist:

Final Fantasy XIV Official Playlist Spotify Apple

  1. Under the Weight
  2. Defender of the Realm
  3. Calamity Unbound
  4. Through the Maelstrom
  5. Ominous Prognisticks
  6. Limitless Blue
  7. Unbreakable
  8. Metal
  9. Revenge Twofold
  10. Starved
  11. Band: Metal – BRute Justice Mode
  12. Revenge of the Horde
  13. Exponential Entropy
  14. Equilibrium
  15. Triumph
  16. Liberty or Death
  17. The Worm’s Tail
  18. Wayward Daughter

You can check out the Epic Encounters Final Fantasy XIV playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

Soothing Sanctuary: Final Fantasy XIV

As the name suggests, the Soothing Sanctuary playlist has a more chill vibe with a focus on field and town music. These include the Ishgard theme “Nobility Sleeps” and The Lochs’ daytime theme “Songs of Salt and Suffering”.

Here are the tracks for the Soothing Sanctuary playlist:

Final Fantasy XIV Official Playlist Spotify Apple

  1. To the Sun
  2. On Westerly Winds
  3. The Waking Sands
  4. Where the Heart Is
  5. Out of the Labyrinth
  6. Eternal Wind
  7. Nobility Sleeps
  8. Borderless
  9. Misconception
  10. Piano: Ink Long Dry
  11. Paradise Found
  12. Jewel
  13. Freedom
  14. Impact
  15. Crimson Sunrise
  16. Drowning in the Horizon
  17. Parting Ways
  18. Song of Salt and Suffering

You can check out the Soothing Sanctuary playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

Final Fantasy XIV is available on the PlayStation 4 and PC. In case you missed it, the North America Fan Festival 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

About The Author
Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.

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