PlayStation 5

FFVII Rebirth Changes We Want to See

Screenshot of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth cast
Image via Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is shaping up to be one of the hottest games to release in 2024. With the Final Fantasy VII Remake sequel only a few months away at this point, there are some features and changes we’d like to see in the upcoming PS5-exclusive RPG. These improvements would help Final Fantasy VII Rebirth become even better than Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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Note: Spoilers ahead for both the original Final Fantasy VII and Remake.

Screenshot of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth open world gameplay
Image via Square Enix

An engaging open world

The first major change I hope to see in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is an open-world map that is actually worth exploring. We already know the game features massive open-world areas, which is a huge shift from the somewhat linear design of Remake. However, this change could end up resulting in a large section of nothingness with little content to do.

While the change to an open-world format is welcome, it has to be done in a way where there are enough secrets, quests, and places to search for to keep players engaged. I just want the sequel to give me a reason to explore its vast and beautiful world.

FFVII Rebirth changes we want
Image via Square Enix

Side quests worth completing

Speaking of content, I felt like many of the side quests in Remake felt underwhelming and not as rewarding as I’d wanted them to be. This led to me skipping over many of the quests in favor of sticking to the main storyline. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade did a better job with side quests, and I’d like to see better rewards and minigame-focused storylines that keep me busy when I’m not pursuing the main story.

In addition, these missions need to do more with their stories and characters. Many of the side quests in Remake felt rather bland, with simple objectives and tales. With the expansion beyond Midgar in this game, that problem can, hopefully, be fixed.

FFVII Rebirth changes we want
Image via Square Enix

Clothing options

You’ve probably seen the countless mods for outfits for the party members in Remake, including the Honeybee Inn section. I would love to see Square Enix give players armor and clothing options for the characters. It doesn’t have to be anything too wild, but letting Tifa battle in a new version of her old cowgirl outfit, for instance, would be hilarious and welcome.

FFVII Rebirth changes we want
Image via Square Enix

Even greater departures from the original FFVII

Now that fans know what they’re getting into with this game and its bizarre alternate-world storyline, it’s high time to dig even deeper into this. Sure, it’s fine to recreate fan-favorite moments like the Gold Saucer and discovering Vincent Valentine, but the game should also allow characters like Sephiroth to go off the rails.

Better yet, introduce new villains who rival Sephiroth and show he isn’t the only threat in this game. Heck, if the iconic Sephiroth and Aerith scene has to happen in this game, I’d like to see Square Enix surprise players all over again with a fake-out and maybe put Tifa in her place instead.

FFVII Rebirth changes we want
Image via Square Enix

Meaningful screentime for Zack Fair

Speaking of departures, we know Zack Fair is in this game, and it appears he could even be playable. That said, the ending of Remake focused on his survival, so it would be nice to see him play a massive role in this game. Getting the chance to see Zack and Cloud interact again and the long-awaited reunion of Zack with his girl Aerith would lead to some incredible new moments for even veteran fans.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released for PS5 on February 29, 2024.

Cody Perez
About The Author
Cody is a writer who has been sharing his love for video games and anime since his high school days in 2012. When he isn’t writing about the latest JRPGs and anime series, he can be found in Final Fantasy XIV, occasionally playing some Call of Duty, or lurking on Twitter @SoulcapCody.

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