ESP Ra.De. Joins The M2 Shot Trigger Lineup; New Aleste Game Announced

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During the M2 Shot Triggers Thanksgiving Festival, they announced that after Ketsui Deathtiny, the next game to join the roster of shmups will be Atlus and Cave’s ESP Ra.De. They also announced that Aleste, which M2 owns the license to, is also getting a re-release. [Thanks, DenFamiNicoGamer!]

ESP Ra.De. is a famous bullet hell developed by Cave and published by Atlus, with artwork by Junya Inoue. Three psychic heroes venture out to stop the evil plans of Ms. Gaara, who leads the mysterious organization known as Yaksa.


Previously, M2 mentioned that they would try negotiate the re-release of the game, in an interview regarding a poll held by DenFamiNicoGamer where ESP Ra.De. topped the number of votes for the next game. M2 representative Naoki Horii stated that the fan poll gave them the last push to start negotiations, and while they said they’d do four games from the list, they were really anxious over whether ESP Ra.De. would be successful, as there were lots of fans looking forward to it.

The other three games M2 said they would try negotiating for were The Great Ragtime Show, The Cliffhanger: Edward Randy, and Equites.


M2 has not mentioned when ESP Ra.De will release, and what consoles it will launch for.



aleste 2


The Aleste series is also seeing a revival with a new game, something that M2 mentioned has been in the works officially since April. This is because 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the series, and M2 wanted to do something with the series, which they own the IP of. A trailer for the game will be revealed in the near future.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Aleste series, the first game was developed for the Sega Master System, followed by sequels like Aleste Gaiden, Aleste 2, MUSHA, Super Aleste, and more. Some of the staff would go on to leave Compile and make Sorcer Striker at Raizing.

The new Aleste game will get more info in Summer 2019. This marks the first new game in the series since GG Aleste II: Lance Bird, which released for Game Gear in 1993.


ESP Ra.De. is in development with no release date or console announcement yet. The new Aleste game is in development.

Alistair Wong
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Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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