Enterprising Fans Are Translating Final Fantasy Type-0


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Final Fantasy Type-0 came pretty late in Sony’s PSP shelf life, at a time when the device was suffering from widescale piracy. While fans have waited it out to see if Square Enix would release the game in the west in some form, it hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps it will, at some point in time.


In the meantime, some enterprising fans have taken it upon themselves to try and translate Type-0 anyway, and are preparing to release a translation this year.


The translation group has provided a date of August 8th this year for the release of the translation patch, but say there’s still plenty to do before then.


While the main storyline’s text “looks good” and the interface itself is pretty much laid out, “literally thousands of NPCs” need to be corrected alongside other bits and bobs before it can be considered done said one of their members.


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