
Endless Ocean Screens

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Endless Ocean (Forever Blue in Japan) is just one of those titles that looks to be interesting despite its emphasis on underwater exploration and having the ability to use WiFi Connect to explore the ocean together with your friends. Though many will rag on the game’s lack of true gameplay, there’s no denying how escapist and amazing this game looks to be. Simply getting lost in the ocean would be a treat for many, and Endless Ocean aims to do just that.


With a release set for August 2 in Japan and an October release coming Stateside, Endless Ocean may be one of those sleeper titles that, much like other sleeper titles, provides more than a simple gameplay experience. GameWatch has posted many new screens of Endless Ocean before its release in Japan; so if these screens don’t make you want to get lost in the ocean, too, then perhaps staying far away from this game may be the best thing for you!


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About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer who enjoys JRPGs.

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