
E.B. Extra-Bearrestrial Is The Spiritual Sequel To E.T.

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It was believed that millions of copies of Atari game E.T. the Extraterrestrial were buried in a New Mexico landfill, and in 2013, it turned out to be correct. Now, developer Stoic Hero Studios has used this game, one blamed for the crash of the video game industry itself and buried in the earth, as the template for E.B. Extra-Bearrestrial, a spiritual sequel.


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Available now on Android and seeking votes on Steam Greenlight, E.B. Extra-Bearrestrial gives players control of a bear who’s trying to dodge a zookeeper while making his way back to his home in the Rockies. To do so, players will have to decipher the bizarre gameplay that’s lifted straight from E.T., albeit with the help of a tutorial this time.


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E.B. Extra-Bearrestrial adds several unlockable outfits and characters to the formula, as well as varied difficulty levels and modes that will make players play in darkness, add faster enemies, and give them no extra continues.


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E.B. Extra-Bearrestrial is projected to release on PC sometime early this year.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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