Nintendo DS

Dragon Quest IV, V, VI Remakes Confirmed

dragonquestvi.jpgIt was only a matter of time before it happened you know.

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A while back, we reported that Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada announced at Square-Enix's financial briefing in Tokyo that remakes of Dragon Quest games were in the works to help amp up the release of Dragon Quest IX on the Nintendo DS. Since then, it was completely unknown as to what games in the series would be getting the remake treatment…at least until now. Jeux-France has recovered some scans from Shonen Jump magazine which confirms remakes of Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI (the Zenithia trilogy as dubbed by fans) for the DS. If you've been longing for some Dragon Quest love on your DS until IX is released, then these three remakes may be your thing.


Personally I'm all excited for these remakes, especially VI since it was the only Dragon Quest I've never had the chance to play. Whether or not this means Square-Enix really is all about the remakes and isn't about originality really is up to you; but if you've never played Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI, then there's no reason to complain! If you've played Dragon Quest VI on the Super Famicom, let me know how it was and how it differed from IV and V. 


Scans can be found past the break.



dqremakes.jpg  dqremakes2.jpg

About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer who enjoys JRPGs.

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