
Diaries Of A Spaceport Janitor Teaser Shows Off Its Thriving Alien Bazaar

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Indie game publisher tinyBuild has revealed that it is helping out with the “anti-adventure game” Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor. A new trailer has also been released with this announcement.


In the game, you play as the Janitor, described as “an Alaensee woman with a municipally-subsidized trash incineration job, and dreams of leaving the planet of Xabran’s Rock far behind her.”


As this Janitor, you’ll be exploring a busy alien bazaar and picking up trash that is left on the ground. As dull as that might sound, most of the trash you can pick up has a story behind it to discover.


Plus, as Siliconera previously reported, you’ll also be able to “eat perception-altering hallucinogenic eyeballs” in the game, “suffer through an ancient curse placed upon you by a mysterious, screaming skull,” as well as explore the dangerous sewers in search of treasure.


You can find out more about Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor as well as sign-up for its beta on its new website.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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