Devil May Cry 5 Domain Registered, Resident Evil 2 Domain Recently Updated


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It’s been discovered that the domain name for has been registered recently by Capcom (under Onamae) and GMO. [Thanks, Resetera.]




Whois reveals that the domain was registered on May 18, 2018. While anyone could register a domain for whatever is available, upon looking up the registrar GMO, it reveals ties to Capcom with a registration for Monster Hunter: World’s site by both GMO and Onamae as well.


Additional domains for,, and have also been registered on the same day., however, has been registered by a squatter, so it appears that Capcom grabbed the open ones for now.


In other Capcom news, the Resident Evil 2 domain name was also recently updated, suggesting a possible near-future announcement for the long-anticipated Resident Evil 2 remake. We haven’t heard about the game since August 2015 but perhaps this could also mean a possible E3 2018 showing.


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Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.

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