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Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition Finally Lands On Xbox 360


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Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition is now available for the Xbox 360, complete with widescreen support.


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The original 2005 arcade shoot-em-up game (which was also a seminal hit on the Dreamcast back in 2006) was released by Rising Star Games on the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 as Under Defeat HD a couple of years ago. The remake was also ported to arcades last year.


There are also two ways to play the game, in either Classic Arcade Mode or  the 16:9 New Order Mode. The latter takes advantage of the whole HD TV thing that’s been going on lately and makes it so you get about twice the screen estate of more traditional vertical shooters.


There is also now a practice version for both modes. Visuals have also been given a look over, with improved artwork, HD textures and refined shadowing.


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The deluxe edition also has new weapon upgrades. It also allows for dual stick compatibility and more destructive realism.

The game is retailing now for $19.99 on XBox 360’s Games On Demand.


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