
Death Coming Is About Killing Adorable NPCs In Ridiculous Ways

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Death Coming grants players the powers of a Reaper, allowing them to collect souls by causing unfortunate accidents by fiddling with the environment, bringing about many silly deaths amongst a cute NPC populace.


Players will be let loose in large areas filled with poorly-attached lifts, cars with potentially-poor brakes, precariously-hanging bee nests, and all other manner of objects that can be manipulated with a click. These can all be used to cause death among the NPCs, but having good timing will mean the difference between offing one person or causing a chain reaction of multiple deaths.

Due to the Free Will Clause, players aren’t able to directly control NPCs, but their actions will have an effect on them. Seeing someone else getting killed can cause characters to panic, rushing off in ways players may be able to take advantage of, and other actions in the environments will also change NPC behavior as well. It will be up to the player to figure out what paths they can change based on the objects they interact with.


While bringing about as much death as possible, players can also use a handful of items to tip the scale should they find themselves having trouble. There is also no set solution for any given level, allowing players to solve them in whatever way their gruesome desires take them. However, angels can appear and cause trouble for the player should they catch them causing mayhem, which adds another layer of challenge to the game’s secret murders.

Death Coming is set to release on Steam Early Access in November.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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