
Dark Lord: The Duel Takes Place In A Surreal, Wriggling Nightmare World

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Dark Lord: The Duel is a sidescrolling action adventure game with detailed, horrific nightmare visuals.




Dark Lord: The Duel revolves around a never-ending duel, spoken about in a cryptic way on the game’s site.


It’s a game set around one never-ending duel, reenacting the classic conflict of old folk tales in its own surreal-macabre interpretation. The grand final battle without anything else before or after. One arena. One protagonist. One archenemy.




Players will have to deal with traps alongside enemies as they navigate the surreal sidescrolling action game. A Kickstarter for it will be coming soon.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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