
Crimson Gem Saga Is Back… As A Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

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Astonishia Story and its sequel Crimson Gem Saga were pretty decent roleplaying games. Now, Korea’s Netmarble have published a new version for smartphones called Astonishia Vs., which is… a rock, paper, scissors 3D action game. Really.



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Players pick their characters and deck them out with card attacks which seem to correspond to your three choices during combat. You then hammer away at your chosen bet and pray its 33.33333333333% chance nets you victory for that round of combat.


Sit back and relax after that as characters then execute whichever special move—ranging from bashing down with massive battleaxes or speedily pincushioning foes with arrows—is attached to that action. Repeat till one side keels over.


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Admittedly, the 3D graphics are nice, and naturally there’s the random-collection element for new moves, weapons and characters to keep you playing as well.


Astonishia Vs. is available now on iOS and Android. You’ll need Kakao—a chat application similar to Line or WhatsApp—in order to log in as well.




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