
Your Choices Will Affect This Comic’s Ending

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Light Apprentice is trying something new out in the comic book space by melding comic book-style panels and storylines with in-game action moments for players to act on. It’s not quite Comix Zone but does play around with the Lone Wolf choose-your-own-adventure style of role-playing games. And yes, it’s for smartphones.


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It stars Nate, a man who’s been asleep in a giant crystal for the past 300 years as the world of Ethenia is crushed to a barren dark hell-hole around him by the Yhrosian Empire. Now, Tlob, an alien wizard, has awoken him as the only hope left to save the world. Where you come in is how that plays out.


Light Apprentice is primarily a story-telling comic strip, with panels playing out the story and interactions. However, you’ll have to make choices such as the one in the video above, which dynamically alter the flow of the game, including combat.


It appears the game will seamlessly drop you into combat against foes, and there’s a bit of rhythm-game timing required to both land good hits and defend against attacks. Light Apprentice itself has been a successful webcomic which you can check out here.


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You can try a demo of how the game will play on its website here.


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