Nintendo Switch

Check Out How Devious Competitive Stages Can Be Made In Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational Finals

invitational finals

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Super Mario Maker 2 held its E3 Invitational tournament today, with an intense duel-off between Youtubers Abdallah and The Completionist, but apart from the competition, the finals also show off several stages using the game’s new features to make new competitive stages.


Check out the Finals below:


Apart from the final round, the earlier rounds included a co-op round between four players on two teams, showcasing how unique co-op multiplayer-focused levels can be designed to require intense cooperation between teammates. Additionally, the early stages showcase how players can use the clear conditions to make short but challenging courses focused on one objective.


Super Mario Maker 2 is coming to Nintendo Switch on June 28, 2019. Recently, we reported that online play will only be allowed with other random players here.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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