Horror exploration game Charlotte is an adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 1892 short story, The Yellow Wallpaper. Through paintings, photographs, and other materials from the period scattered all over a disquieting house, the game aspires to bring the player into the mindsets of the time, as well as that of the story’s author when she wrote the semi-autobiographical tale.
The short story tells a tale of a woman who is supposed to rest in a room for her own health. While stuck in this chamber, she soon begins to obsess over the wallpaper. Having no other mental stimulus, she begins to read things into the design, soon seeing a woman creeping behind it as her mind unravels.
Through exploring the game’s house, the player will learn more about the author’s life, steadily growing closer to the source of her character’s madness.
Charlotte is available on Itch.io.
Published: Jun 11, 2016 12:00 pm