
Boxing Angel Brings Bishoujo Fashion To The World Of High School Boxing

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Taiwanese game company Childhood Studio is working on Boxing Angel for mobile (via TechInAsia). It has you taking a bishoujo high school boxer through a local boxing championship, then national matches, before heading to the world stage. If you consistently knock your opponents out, that is.


Before your fighter steps into the ring you’ll want to train them, upping their stats. Customizing your boxer is also a big part of Boxing Angel. There seem to be hundreds of different outfits to choose from, ranging from swimsuits to nurse gear. Costuming is divided into hairstyle, dress, boxing gloves,shoes, and then accessories.


Once you’re inside the ring, you’ll be swiping the screen to quickly throw punches to knock your opponent out. The matches are fast-paced and require you to balance stamina with throwing punches and blocking. As well as single player matches, Boxing Angel has PvP so that you can challenge other online players.


Last thing to note is that Boxing Angel features full Japanese voice acting. You can find out more about it on its website.




Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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