
Bounty Battle Gets New Trailer, New Guest Fighters From Other Games

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A new trailer has released for Bounty Battle, showing off some of the arenas, fighters, and combat of the 2D multiplayer fighter.



The developers have also announced that guest fighters from other indie games will make an appearance in the game. Currently, characters from Eitr and Pankapu: The Dreamkeeper have joined the roster of the game, with videos releasing to demonstrate some of their abilities and moves.



Bounty Battle pits up to four players against each other in 2D arenas, letting them choose from up to 30 fighters to battle with. Players will have to manage health and energy as they fight, and also bounty points. These points, gained by killing opponents, can be used to summon minions to assist the player in the match, and will last until the player dies.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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