Nintendo 3DS

Boundaries in January Brings Yet Another Visual Novel To 3DS

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The Nintendo 3DS is becoming quite the platform for visual novels and adventure games. Just last month, Circle Entertainment and Flyhigh Works published a mini visual novel titled Harvest December for the Nintendo eShop in Japan. This game is actually one of thirteen chapters in the Harvest December series, and chapter 2 is out today.


Chapter 2 is titled Boundaries in January. Carrying on the tale from the first volume, this chapter has Masaki Konno learning that there is a rule for the Gods of the land—they should never leave the land they’ve been set to watch over. As the team begin searching for an item, just what even they don’t quite know, things begin to fall apart for the party…


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See, Masaki went to a New Year’s event at the Shinto shrine of the next town over with Mizuho Toyama. There, they meet Madoi, the God of that land. Madoi happily follows them home with the cooperation of Toyama. And then, well, you’ll have to pick up the visual novel on your 3DS to find out what happens. For just 200 yen ($2), though, it’s still a steal.



Boundaries in January is out for the Nintendo 3DS eShop today, January 29th, in Japan.


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