
BlazBlue: Central Fiction Trailer Shows Off Nine’s And Her Magic Tricks


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BlazBlue: Central Fiction launched for arcade in Japan, and the game got a last minute surprise character with Nine as the newest addition. Famitsu shares a look at some screenshots, along with a new gameplay footage from Arc System Works.


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Nine “The Phantom” won’t have any Drive, which makes her the first character in the series to not have a Drive. She’ll instead use magic attacks with Water, Wind, and Fire attacks for her A, B, and C, respectively.


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She can accumulate her magic with icons and unleash them as powerful magic attacks with the D button. For example, the image on the left requires one “Fire Icon” to execute, while the more powerful version shown on the right requires three.


The above video gives us a look at how Nine plays, and you can see how her playstyle revolves around a variety of magic attacks consisting of fire, ice, and wind elements. She might be tricky to use, but managing her magic stocks will be key to dishing out some powerful attacks with the newcomer.


BlazBlue: Central Fiction will launch in Japanese arcades on November 19, 2015. Check out our previous report for a look at the other newcomer Hibiki Kohaku’s combo moves in a recent video.

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Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.

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