Best Gifts for Lala in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Screenshot of Lala in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Screenshot of Siliconera

Once you’ve completed the events on Icy Peak, you’re able to befriend the delightful LittleTwinStars sister Lala. Getting to that point takes a while, though. Here are the best gifts to give Lala in Hello Kitty Island Adventure so you’ll be Best Friends with her as quickly as possible.

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What are the best gifts to give Lala in Hello Kitty Island Adventure?

Lala has numerous favorite gifts in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, ranging from One-Heart to Three-Heart items. Here’s a list of the best gifts to give Lala, many of which are cooked via recipes:

  • One-Heart Gifts: Pink Cloud, Toasted Marshmallow Cloud, Cotton Cloud, Fruity Cloud, Tropical Cloud, Spiced Cloud, Sweet Cloud, Fall Cloud, Pink Clouds Ice Cream, Cheese Ice Cream, Strawberry Almond Galette, Almond Pound Cake, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cheesecake, Strawberry Cheesecake, Sakura Cheesecake, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Fruity Cheesecake, Spiced Cheesecake, Purple Cheesecake, Turtle Cheesecake, Starry Skies Shake.
  • Two Heart Gifts: Art Supplies, Cheese Cloud, Three Cheese Pizza.
  • Three-Heart Gift: Quattro Fromaggio Pizza.

You’ll get Stardust in return for every gift that you give Lala. You can spend said Stardust at Kiki’s Stardust Store on the main island of Cloud Island.

How do I make the Quattro Fromaggio Pizza?

Lala’s only Three-Heart gift, the Quattro Fromaggio Pizza, is baked at the Pizza Oven on Mount Hothead. You’ll need the following ingredients to make it:

  • 1 Dough.
  • 1 Coral Milk.
  • 1 Moon Cheese.

Where do I find Lala in Hello Kitty Island Adventure?

Lala almost always stays on Cloud Island in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, specifically around the fountain in Cloud Island Plaza. I’ve provided her exact location in a map screenshot below:

Hello Kitty Island Adventure is available now on Apple Arcade for iOS and Mac devices.

Brent Koepp
About The Author
Based in California, Brent is an Editor at Siliconera and has been a journalist since 2010. When he's not playing JRPGs or catching 'em all in Pokémon, you can find him spending time with his wife and two dogs.

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