Nintendo Switch

Bandai Namco To Announce Three Big Switch-Exclusive Titles Sometime In Spring/Summer 2018


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During a recent Bandai Namco financial results briefing, company president Mitsuaki Taguchi announced that from spring to summer 2018, there will be the announcement of three big titles for Switch.


According to a tweet from The Wall Street Journal reporter Takashi Mochizuki, President Taguchi says that sometime from spring to summer 2018, the company will announce three major titles with a worldwide development.


He also added that they have plenty of resources and will continue making games for PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam.


In an earlier tweet, it was revealed that Bandai Namco has been surprised at the Switch’s popularity, and President Taguchi says the company will be adding more resources in developing games for Switch.


“We have put 3 games on the Switch so far and all of them are doing well. It’s a shame, but we didn’t think the Switch [would[ be accepted this fast,” said Taguchi.

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Gamer, avid hockey fan, and firm believer in the heart of the cards.

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