
Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Gets A Beefy Balance Update In Arcades

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Arcade female fighter Arcana Heart 3 Love Max has just received a meaty update, rebalancing almost every character, arcana abilities and more.


Beyond that, though, is the addition of a new Time Attack mode—which has players racing not just health bars but also the clock. Almost all stages in the game also have new background music, with tweaks or changes to the old versions to give some freshness to the now three-year-old title.


If you’re somehow playing the arcade version and want to take a look at the full list of character tweaks, balances and changes, you can check out 4Gamer’s exhaustive breakdown here.


Arcana Heart 3 started out as an arcade game, headed to consoles in 2011 and then made its way back after several tweaks and changes to the arcade in 2013 as Love Max.


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