Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of beloved games such as Super Smash Bros and Kirby, posted an entire video in his ongoing video series about his cat Fukurashi. His YouTube channel is usually full of videos about game design and a career in video games. However, viewers have often requested for him to post more pictures or videos of his cat. His most recent entry in his series does that.
As of the time of writing, “My Feline Friend, Fukurashi” has the most views out of Sakurai’s recent videos. There are over 113k views on the Fukurashi video, compared to his video on game proposals (60k views) or jump physics (81k). The video contains clips of Fukurashi as she is now, as well as when she was a kitten. There are also lots of pictures, such as one of Fukurashi yawning and one of the cat laying down.
You can watch “My Feline Friend, Fukurashi” here:
Fukurashi appears to have Scottish Fold genes, as her ears are floppy. Though Sakurai did not state how old Fukurashi is, he mentioned that the two of them have been together for a while. He also stated in the description of the video that he can oblige “just this once,” which implies that this may be the final video about the cat on the “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games” channel.
The latest Kirby game in the long-running franchise is Kirby’s Dream Buffet, which is available for the Nintendo Switch. However, Sakurai was not involved in this entry.
Published: Nov 19, 2022 01:30 pm