An anime adaptation of Mahjong Soul will start airing in April 2022. The official title of the anime is Mahjong Soul: Pong☆, and the production studio behind it is Scooter Films. Mahjong Soul: Pong☆ will be a series of shorts featuring chibi versions of the characters from Mahjong Soul rather than an adaptation of the game’s story. [Thanks, Dengeki!]
The announcement for this anime first came out during the Nijisanji Mahjong Cup, an event in which Nijisanji JP members faced each other off in the Mahjong Soul game. The Pong in the title is a reference to the “pong” in real-life mahjong. This is when you make a set of three tiles by claiming one the player before you set down.
While this is the Scooter Films’ first anime production, director Kenshiro Morii previously worked on Grand Blues! and Anime-Gataris, two shows that also focused on comedic shorts. The anime cast list is unannounced, but it will likely feature the same ones from the game. Some of the actors or actress in the game include Maaya Uchida (Fischl from Genshin Impact) and Sakura Tange (Nero from Fate/Grand Order).
Mahjong Soul is an online mahjong game from Chinese company Cat Food Studio. It is available to play in a web browser and on mobile devices. You can update your player characters with microtransactions, as well as level them up or raise their affection. The game also occasionally has collaborations with other intellectual properties, such as a Kakegurui crossover in 2021.
Mahjong Soul is available on mobile devices and web browsers. Mahjong Soul: Pong☆ will start airing in April 2022.
Published: Jan 10, 2022 06:00 am