Shonen Jump has announced that the Jujutsu Kaisen manga will return to its regular publication starting August 2, 2021. The series was previously on a brief hiatus due to health concerns from the series’ creator. The next chapter will be published in the 35th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump.
8月2日(月)発売の週刊少年ジャンプ35号にて、#呪術廻戦 の
連載が再開いたします。今後とも応援よろしくお願いします。— 少年ジャンプ編集部 (@jump_henshubu) July 16, 2021
Jujutsu Kaisen‘s return marks the end of a nearly month-long hiatus, following an announcement back in June 2021 that the magazine would temporarily postpone publication due to creator Gege Akutami’s health condition. While Akutami initially wanted to continue producing the series as normal, they decided on the hiatus after a joint meeting with Shonen Jump’s editorial team.
In the announcement, Akutami revealed that they felt a need to publish the series on a weekly basis and that shorter breaks would prevent them from catching up on an already delayed schedule. However, their deteriorating health condition led them to decide on a month-long hiatus.
The announcement also included a letter to fans explaining that Akutami had felt it was unbecoming of a “lowly artist” to take such long breaks. However, it also assured fans that they were not suffering from any “major illness.”
Jujutsu Kaisen recently sold over 50 million copies of its independent tankobon publication and has been one of the most popular manga series in Japan. The series will return in the 35th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, publishing on August 2, 2021.