To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Danganronpa series, a special Super Danganronpa 2 The Mystery Maze event will be held at Shibuya Marui. The event will begin on January 22, 2021, though an end date for the it has not yet been decided. Tickets will cost ¥2,750 (or approximately $25), with individual sessions lasting anywhere from ninety minutes to four and a half hours. [Thanks, Famitsu!]
Attendees will be given a special Super Danganronpa 2 clear file featuring artwork created for the event alongside three Monokuma paper clips. These items can be used during the event to collect information and solve puzzles that will be located throughout the maze.
The official website for the event does mention that due to the situation surrounding COVID-19, if too many tickets are purchased attendees will be chosen through a special lottery. Additionally, to avoid too many people gathering in one location, a limited number of people will be allowed to participate in the event per day. The website also stated that the event may be postponed or cancelled.
Recently, Identity V had another collaboration event with the series to help usher in the anniversary. Players could get character skins based on Danganronpa characters for a limited time. This included costumes based on Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Chiaki Nanami, and Mikan Tsumiki.
Published: Jan 20, 2021 11:00 am