In the MediEvil series, the second game introduced Lost Souls as a collective. These appear in the MediEvil PlayStation 4 remake as a new gameplay element, and the reward for finding all of them has been revealed. People won’t just get trophies for finding all of them and laying them to rest. A new feature unlocks in the main menu once someone gets everything.
Spoiler alert: The MediEvil remake’s Lost Soul reward will be revealed and shown below.
People who take the time to collect every MediEvil Lost Soul will unlock a port of the original PlayStation game. After finding all 19 Lost Souls in the levels and solving their missions, you’ll lay them to rest. One you’ve completed a task, a pop up will say you accomplished the goal and “you have unlocked something special on the Main Menu!” Heading to the main menu will show a new option. Below “Options” will be “Old Game.”
Here is a Twitter clip showing the start of the MediEvil Old Game.
— Diogo Arez (@DiogoArez) October 23, 2019
MediEvil is available on the PlayStation 4. It originally appeared on the PlayStation.
Published: Oct 25, 2019 10:00 am