A Hero Approaches For Siliconera’s Second Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Night [Update]

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It’s been more than half a year since the first Siliconera Smash Bros. night, but we’re back! In commemoration of the latest DLC Fighter, Hero, we’re bringing this back for another bout. This time, I (Alistair) will be the host.


As mentioned before, we’re holding the community event tonight, from 5pm PT/6pm CT/7pm ET until 8pm PT/9pm CT/10pm ET, so try to join in if you can! Last time, not many people showed up, so the plan is for me to have a room open, and Jenni will host another room if needed.


The rules are:

  • 4-player Free For All
  • 3 stock matches
  • No Spirits.
  • Some stages disabled due to size
  • No Items
  • Final Smash Gauge on
  • Have Fun!


I’ll be playing ‘Awake’ from Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in the room. The Arena name will be ‘Siliconera 1’, and the password will be 09082019. I’ll update this post with the Arena code around 4pm PT, and I’ll also give out reminders on Open Thread and our Discord server. Stay tuned!


Update: The room code is 2675X.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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