Facebook Files: The Disappointments Of E3


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Now that E3’s over, and the initial excitement is gradually starting to wear off, perhaps we can take a look back at this year’s show from a fresh perspective and pin-point the announcements and showings that weren’t as exciting as we’d hoped they’d be.


Now, keep in mind, this isn’t an excuse to encourage negativity and cynicism — we see enough of that on the Internet as it is. However, if you do feel something was genuinely a let-down at the show, and you have legitimate reasons to back yourself up, have at it in the comments.


Steven wrote:


Personally, I was hoping for more interesting experiences for Kinect and Move. Most of the titles announced didn’t interest me in the least, well except for Child of Eden. I’m a Mizuguchi fan so it’ll probably be a day one buy.


In terms of titles, I was really hoping for Beyond Good & Evil 2 to be revealed in more detail. Furthermore I was hoping for a U.S. release date for Xenoblade. The Last Story was MIA, but I guess that the next TGS will be a good place for more info on that. I was really hoping for details on the previously mentioned Dragon Quest X for Wii.


Samwise wrote:


For Move, it is pretty much a glorified Wii-Remote (with Motion+ add-on, natch), which while I have nothing against it, any ideas I could come up with for it, I could come up with on the Wii.


As excited as I am for the 3DS, I’m slightly dissapointed at certain aspects of it, namely how the buttons and general shape are the same as the DS. I understand this is a now-iconic set-up, but it really bothers me, because I find it very uncomfortable… Hopefully it is sized largely enough for it to be comfortable for me, perhaps closer to the DSiXL than further?


Ishaan wrote:


Okay, I’m gonna come out and say it: Zelda. I think this is largely due to how they choose to present these games. Miyamoto and Bill doing that presentation up on stage was completely understandable. The #1 question on people’s minds was how MotionPlus combat worked, and they showed us. The problem was, it was presented like just another Wii game. Even the trailer they ran afterward had nothing but hack-and-slash scenes in it.


The new (old?) Link looks identical to the way he did in Twilight Princess. And while the art style looks nice, did they really have to show off a generic-looking forest area?


Raphael wrote:


Metal Gear Solid: Rising — as good as the game looks, if this is the direction that the Metal Gear Solid franchise is going im not liking it.


You can view the full, significantly more detailed discussion in the Facebook thread. So, what were you disappointed by at E3 this year?

Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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