Nintendo DSPSP

Tidbits on the Kingdom Hearts spinoffs and side stories

Dr. Zaius sent over a tip (thanks!) that a bunch of scans from Famitsu featuring the new Kingdom Hearts games are online. While the trailers have not been released to the public, there are enough pictures to give you a good sense of what we saw at Tokyo Game Show ’08.

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Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep




The prequel stars Terra (pictured in the blue) and Ven who looks a lot like Roxas who are trying to track down Master Xehanort. In battle the menu on the bottom left rotates commands. From there you can select keyblade attacks indicated by a red key and spells like Blizzaga indicated by the purple hat.


Kingdom Hearts: 368 / 2 Days




In the DS interlude you play as Roxas and join the ranks of Organization XIII. During four player battles Axel, Xigbar and Saix will also be playable. H.a.n.d. who developed Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales is going to handle developing this title.


Kingdom Hearts: Coded


In Kingdom Hearts: Coded you get to re-visit Disney Worlds and play as “virtual” Sora. The key element here is the debugging mode where you need to remove the cubes.

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