PlayStation 3

Valkyrie of the Battlefield Art

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Valkyrie of the Battlefield was originally announced at the Playstation Premiere event sometime last week, and not much is known about the game at all aside from it being announced exclusively for the Playstation 3. When I visited the main site to see if any updates had been made, I came across this image that was confirmed on the message boards to be an actual in-game screenshot of Valkyrie of the Battlefield. If you ask me, this watercolor-esque in-game shot looks to be a breath of fresh air in the graphics department considering cel-shaded is relatively new and still a sight for sore eyes.


You can visit the official Japanese site for yourself and see this image in a bigger resolution, but information (and perhaps a trailer!) won't be available until TGS this year. Here's looking towards TGS, Sega! 

About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer who enjoys JRPGs.

Going back to basics in Naruto Shippuden: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 5

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