Bandai Namco games picked up the license to Deltora Quest, an anime series currently airing in Japan based off a series of children’s fantasy books penned in Australia. Deltora Quest is being developed on the Nintendo DS as a stylus controlled action RPG. You control Lief, the hero who inherits the quest to save the world from his father, by dragging the stylus and tapping on enemies you want to fight. Deltora Quest also includes the two other main characters Jasmine and Barda and the player is free to switch between them at any time. Deltora Quest is scheduled to come out in Japan on September 20 and a North American release has not been announced yet. If it ever gets released outside of Japan the roundabout localization is going to be interesting since it’s going to be a westernization of an anime property based on an Australian novel!
Update: There is a teaser movie on Namco Bandai's official site for Deltora Quest.
Published: Jun 15, 2007 08:58 am