
The Creator Of Rktcr Describes It As “Tool-Assisted-Speed-Run: The Game”

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TCHOW (aka Jim McCann) will be bringing its action-puzzle-racing game Rktcr to Steam on May 12th. The game was originally released back in 2013 but this Steam version adds graphical polish, achievements, and trading Cards.


The easiest way to describe Rktcr is that it is “tool-assisted-speed-run: the game.” The idea is to drive a vehicle consisting of two wheels and two rockets and drive it across 37 challenging levels. These are unfriendly levels, less like racing tracks and more like a platformer’s levels. You have to flip and propel the car at unusual angles and it isn’t easy.



Luckily, to help you out, you have the ability to control time. You can rewind time in order to right any mistakes. You’re also given a projection of how the car will travel at all times, including when you pause the action to analyze and tweak power to each of the wheels. Still, even with that much, Rktcr can be tough. If you do get the hang of it then you can test yourself further with the 31 world levels that algorithmically generate another 300 levels for you to try out.


Aside from that, Rktcr also has one of the best character creation systems I’ve seen. It generates wacky and wild characters with punkish mohawks and strange garments based on the name you give them.



There’s actually a demo you can download of Rktcr on its website. You can also buy the original version there still.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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