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The Shulk Amiibo Looks Like It’s Getting Restocked


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The CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) is a U.S. law that was signed in 2008 to impose safety-related requirements on manufacturers of all manner of children’s goods, including toys. Manufacturers, importers and retailers are expected to comply with its requirements, and that includes Nintendo, whose Amiibo figurines fall under the category of goods that CPSIA laws pertain to.


As such, whenever an Amiibo figurine is being restocked, it usually shows up on Nintendo’s CPSIA Certificates of Compliance page, and two of the more recent additions as of May 1st are Shulk and Mega Man. (Thanks, Amiibo News)


This indicates that there are plans to restock both those figurines, which is especially nice for those that wanted to get their hands on Shulk, but couldn’t.


This comes hot on the heels of a recent statement made by Nintendo, addressing the constant shortage of Amiibo figurines in North America since their launch. As part of their statement, the company wrote: “We’re trying to meet the demands of our fans and consumers by increasing the amount of amiibo we manufacture and ship to retail. We may continue to see consumer demand outpace supply levels for certain characters at times, but we will do our best to prevent that from happening.”


Just when Shulk will be restocked hasn’t been revealed yet, but Nintendo’s statement on the Amiibo situation also says “Nintendo plans to make it easier for consumers to know when new amiibo are on the way, through Nintendo press announcements, timely updates on our social media channels and working closely with retailers.”


If that actually is the case, look out for an update on Shulk being restocked in the near future. Of course, whether you’ll be able to buy him at a regular store is another matter entirely, since Shulk was previously exclusive to GameStop outlets.

Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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