
Bird Lawering Game Aviary Attorney Fights For Its Case On Kickstarter

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Sketchy Logic has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its bird lawyering game Aviary Attorney. It’s seeking £7,000 in order to develop the game full-time for Windows and Mac.


There are stretch goals ranging from £12,000 to £150,000 that would add bonus chapters, an editor to improve the game’s writing, support for extra languages, and a full orchestra performing the soundtrack.


Siliconera had its feathers ruffled when discovering Aviary Attorney a couple of weeks back due to its bizarre yet delightful mix of Ace Attorney and Hatoful Boyfriend.



It has you playing as defense attorney JayJay Falcon as he tries to prove that Lady Caterline Demiaou was framed for murder at a political banquet. It’s set in Paris in 1842, has an illustration style taken from J.J. Grandville’s satirical tales in Scenes from the Private and Public Life of Animals.


You can read more about Aviary Attorney in our interview with designer Jeremy Noghani. You can also check out its website for more details as well as vote for it on Steam Greenlight.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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