
Ace Attorney Meets Hatoful Boyfriend In Aviary Attorney


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Aviary Attorney is a bird lawyering game set in Paris during 1847, just after the revolution of the late 18th Century and the uprisings of 1830.


You play as Jayjay Falcon, a defense lawyer, who you’ll need to guide through conversation with various other animal folk to build up your case to deliver in court.


The case concerns Lady Caterline Demiaou, a lavish feline who is described as “the charming bourgeoisie,” and who is current on trial for murder. It’s your job to defend her and prove her innocence, if you can.



There are plenty of other characters in Aviary Attorney to meet, too, all of which are animals, and include Prince Juan Querido, as seen above, who is the “romantic and aloof Prince of Spain.” Another prominent character is  Sparrowson, another romantic, but who is also the loyal friend of Jayjay.


Aviary Attorney has only been in development for a few months but it’s coming along very well. Its art style is taken from an 1842 book called “Scènes de la Vie Privée et Publique des Animaux” (Scenes from the private and public life of animals), which is a collection of articles, news, and satirical tales published between 1840 and 1842.


You can follow the development progress of Avian Attorney on its website. The developer’s Twitter account also has regular updates that can’t be found elsewhere.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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