
Side-Scroller Black The Fall Will Combine Stealth, Combat And Puzzle-Solving

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Black The Fall is a bleak, 2.75D (I’ll explain below) adventure set in a post-communist industrial world where deadly traps, paranoia, and machines rule.


The team behind the game cite an eclectic mix of influences and goals for the game. For starters, it’s inspired by Another World and Limbo. But it will combine stealth, combat, and puzzle solving to offer a dynamic and constantly shifting range of challenges for you to overcome.


Easily its most compelling feature is Black The Fall’s world, which is depicted in a sidescrolling fashion, but the camera will use a number of different angles to give you an idea of 3D space.


In it, industries have gone silent and a totalitarian “Machine” has scarred the planet. You start off in The Mire, which is a flooded forest exploited for its gas and oil. Everything around you is in decay, shapes move around you, but you’re unarmed an vulnerable.



As the titular character, simply called Black, you must learn to use the environment to fend for yourself in this desolate, barely functioning world. You’ll have to sneak past Agents and Machines, breaking the silence with sudden bouts of rhythmic violence as you travel across dangerous zones and underground complexes.


How you act—whether it’s pulling a gun and shooting a native, or sneaking past undetected—will change this world and how those around you react to your presence.


If any of this is interesting you then you may want to considering backing Black The Fall on Kickstarter or, failing that, spread the word of its crowdfunding effort. The team behind the game is looking for £25,000 in total to finish the game and bring it to Windows, Mac, and Linux by August 2015.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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