Dungeon Fighter Online Gunner Wakes Up To The Second Coming

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Online beat-em-up Dungeon Fighter Online is still going strong in Korea. It recently showed off a new update for the Male Gunner class, giving it its “Second Awakening” or more advanced classes.


Male Gunners will be able to turn themselves into Commanders, Ravens, Primes or Destroyers, depending on their chosen subclasses. The Mechanic Male Gunner, for instance, can upgrade himself into the Prime. You can get a taste of each class in the above trailer from Nexon.



The Raven has several point-blank area-of-effect skills now, while the Prime brings the robot army to the party and stationary gun emplacements. The Commander doesn’t shoot as fast as the Raven does, but what he lacks in straight speed he makes up by being able to call in aerial airstrikes to back up his shots and even sniper rounds.


Dungeon Fighter Online is out now on PC in Korea and servers are starting up again in North America.


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