
Spoiler Alert! You’ve Already Played This Game. Probably.

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Rushing to the end is the point of playing a game, right? I mean, we want to finish it after all (most of the time anyway). Turning it on its head makes for a change of pace in Spoiler Alert! The side-scrolling platformer admits you’ve already killed the big bad and saved the princess, but doesn’t let on to why we have to now go backwards in time to go forward in the game.


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The game will boast some 100 levels spread across four worlds, and plays out from right to left like a Japanese manga. Players have to figure out when to jump or not jump to avoid time paradoxes and gain or lose powerups. It will also feature an endless mode and level editor.


Sure, Spoiler Alert! isn’t the only game to mess with the concept of going backwards in time (Braid and Retro/Grade come to mind) but we’d like to see how this hand-drawn style platformer plays out, especially with the possibility of having to invert our minds so used to always pressing the right direction pad.


Spoiler Alert! is planned for a PC launch first, followed by smartphone releases.


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