Someone Wrote A Strategy Guide For Life

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Despite what other people may tell you, there is a way to succeed at that ultimate RPG we are all playing called Life. You just need to read the strategy guide.


Sometimes, you have to do a little bit of grinding, sometimes you get lucky and the RNG generator strikes it rich. Most of the time, as blogger Oliver Emberton puts it succinctly, you just need to figure out how to put your time in the right things.


The page is chock full of great advice that’s easily relatable to anyone, but especially for gamers, obviously. It doesn’t really give you any newish advice if you’ve been trying to puzzle your way out in this RPG where the discussion boards are full of trolls, but it does help to re-focus for those of you wondering where things might be going a little pear-shaped.


You can—and perhaps should—read the entire thing here.


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