PlayStation 3PlayStation Vita

Miku Doesn’t Like It When You Fawn Over Her Too Much

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Just like in Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2’s “My Room”, players will have a version of home in Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd called “Diva Home”. The place for your Vocaloid’s to kick back and relax, it works similarly by giving players the chance to sit and interact with the characters of the game in the comfort of “home”.


During these sections, it’s possible to gift them presents or touch them gently to elicit responses. However, taking them one step closer to real-life, they get mad if you do it too often. Presents will also be gently rejected with a “Thank you, but that’s quite enough” if you try to overstuff them.


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Sometimes though, they’ll actually want you to give them stuff. These special, rare events have them asking you to change the BGM, remodel the house or get them a new change of clothes as some requests. Successfully doing so makes them happier and raises friendship levels. During other times you can also watch them as they cook or knit or do several other homey things like smacking each other with a toy hammer.



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Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd will be available on both PlayStation 3 and Vita March 6th.


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