Nintendo DS

Time To Survive A Devil Survivor 2 Trailer

We’ll have a preview of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 up later today, but in the meantime, here’s a look at the DS game via a new trailer that Atlus USA released this week:

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Devil Survivor 2 is slated for release on February 28th. Look forward to our write-up on the game’s Fate system, which is a bit of a different take on the Persona series’ Social Links.

Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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Devil Survivor 2’s Fate System Is A Twist On Persona’s Social Links

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