
Characters of Rule of Rose

A lot of talk about Rule of Rose has been focused around the game’s “controversy”, where little information has been trickling out about the story and the game’s characters. So before the game’s September release date we’re going to give you guys a closer look at the Aristocrats of the Red Crayon’s society.

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1930s England.

Jennifer wanders unknowingly into an upside down world, a society not governed by rational adults, but misguided children. Innocence can be the mindspring from which absurd rules and cruel behaviors are born, as poor Jennifer soon discovers. Having sworn to a pact by the red rose, the girls stray deeper and deeper into the realm of the unthinkable…


The main character of the game. An unlucky, helpless and timid girl who’s dragged into an alarming world. She’s doomed to face unimaginable hardship with her companion Brown. To find a way out of this nightmare, she’s forced to obey the ridiculous rules of the Aristocrats of the Red Crayon.



Jennifer’s loyal companion. After being rescued by her in the airship he’ll obey her every command.






The proud leader of the Aristocrats of the Red Crayon, she’s strong willed and selfish. She absolutely hates grown-ups.





She holds the second spot in the pecking order. Intelligent, but inflexible, she considers herself faultless and carries her notebook with her everywhere. She invented numerous devices for the airship.




She is ranked number 3 in the Aristocrats of the Red Crayon. Nobody knows what’s on her mind, because she’s so distant and cold. She carries a bird cage in anticipation of finding a bird that will bring her happiness.




Though not very healthy she is a kind and admirable girl who takes care of the rabbits. She’s the only one who’s friendly to Jennifer.





Until Jennifer showed up, she was the lowest ranked one in the children’s society. She’s so happy not to be at the bottom anymore that she works really hard to fulfill her monthly tribute and maintain her new rank. Her daily chores include sewing rags with a sewing machine that has no thread.


The Mysterious Man

He often checks on Jennifer and the other children, but his intentions are unknown. The children simply think of him as the man who gives them treats.

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