
Review: Sword Art Online Last Recollection Is a Fun Action-RPG-MMO Hybrid

Review: Sword Art Online Last Recollection Is A Fun Action RPG MMO Hybrid
Image via Bandai Namco

Sword Art Online Last Recollection is an action RPG at its core that brings along some of the best features from its MMO roots. Dropping the overly ambitious systems from past games, the 2023 title from Bandai Namco has more in common with games like Tales of Arise than its predecessors. As a result, SAO Last Recollection is one of the most fun hack-and-slash games I’ve played all year.

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Screenshot of Asuna and Kirito in Sword Art Online Last Recollection
Image via Bandai Namco

While the Sword Art Online game adaptations have gone through many changes over the years, Last Recollection dives further into the direction of action-adventure games than ever before. So, if you are a fan of the more MMORPG-heavy projects from the series’ earlier entries, this game will not likely win you over. However, if you love action-RPGs like Tales and Xenoblade, then there is a lot to love about this entry that is worth checking out.

In Sword Art Online Last Recollection, combat mainly consists of hack-and-slash gameplay and is fairly streamlined, with complex combinations being strung together and simplified to single-button mashes. However, the game avoids being too simplistic with its additional Skill Palette system, which contains Sword Skills that can be individually selected during battle. These special attacks use SP points and deal more damage than your normal attacks. Where things get really interesting is the counter system. Enemies will start using their own skills, and players can counter their attack by selecting the right Sword Skill that interacts with it. This makes battles constantly frenetic and keeps you on your toes. SAO Last Recollection also has a launch system, which allows you to send foes flying into the air where you can juggle them to chain attacks.

And when you eventually manage to down an enemy, you can unleash a flurry of combinations or an epic cinematic finisher to dish out massive damage, which is incredibly satisfying. The star of the show, though, is the Skill Connect feature. For those craving a more advanced combat system, you can chain a Sword Skill while executing another skill to connect them. This makes a burst of damage at the cost of spending a lot of SP quickly and creates a risk and reward system, which is incredibly addicting and adds a layer of strategy to each encounter. Overall, the combat feels like a compromise that will please both casual and hardcore players. Those new to RPGs can just stick to button mashing and chaining combos together with the attack button. More veteran or hardcore players can use their Skill Pallette, and Skill Connects to have greater control over battle. As you progress through the game, you can unlock additional skills as well, which lets you customize your combat even further.

Screenshot of combat in Sword Art Online Recollection
Image via Bandai Namco

Sword Art Online Last Recollection has a typical item and shop system. However, something interesting the game does is have special “sales” in each area of the map. This encourages you to travel around and actually check out the various shops. You can score really good deals and find rare items in one shop you wouldn’t find in another. During my playthrough, I needed a specific item to obtain a weapon I was looking for, but I didn’t have enough money to afford it. Eventually, I found the item on sale while casually strolling through a store’s inventory. The equipment system is also pretty impressive, as players can attach various accessories and armor pieces to boost specific stats. I also appreciate that the game visually changes the cast’s appearance when switching armor pieces. While to be expected for an anime, the variety of weapon designs is also pretty epic. While not everyone cares about fashion, SAO does not disappoint in this regard. I constantly wanted to upgrade my equipment just to see my characters change as the story progressed. And yes, stats are important, too (obviously)!

Like an MMORPG, many different weapon types in the game drastically change how you approach combat. And because Kirito is the chosen one, he is able to equip almost every weapon in the game (that’s convenient!). For example, with Dual Wield, players can equip two swords simultaneously for increased damage. However, as a drawback, Kirito can now be interrupted by enemies at a higher rate in this stance. The Scythe, on the other hand, is good for breaking enemies and interrupting their attacks. But interestingly, Kirito’s Skills now uses HP instead of SP while wielding the deadly weapon. If you prefer long-range, no problem! Bows allow you to attack from a distance and slow your foes down. There is even a Katana weapon type that applies bleed damage to any enemy slashed, which is perfect for Skill Connect maneuvers. As a Dark Souls fanboy, my favorite combination was the Shield and Axe, which turns Kirito into a Tank character able to absorb damage for my party members.

Speaking of parties, Sword Art Online Last Recollection has an extensive team comp system. In most Action RPGs, I usually skip the combat roles for my allies and just have everyone set to auto-attack. However, SAO has streamlined this in an interesting way with three modes: Invincible, Alliance, and Arms. With Invincible, enemies will only be attracted to the character with this role active. Whereas Alliance tells your party members to use support skills and heal. And finally, Arms has your part members attacking. While this sounds pretty standard, certain characters have unique skills that play into these roles. For instance, Eugo has a skill called Steel Will, which allows him to take a defensive position with his shield and take less damage. With just a few clicks of a button, you can quickly snap enemies to your tank ally, which frees Kirito and the rest of your team to attack.

Screenshot of boss battle combat in Sword Art Online Recollection
Image via Bandai Namco

This is a system that both casuals can easily use to take on enemies that are too tough, as well as veteran players who can come up with some interesting team combinations. In my playthrough, I took on many enemies by having Eugo be my defense while having Alice heal the entire party with her Blessing of Paradise. The game also has a Tactical Arts system that takes this feature to another level, allowing players to micromanage how their team behaves with their every move. As a more casual fan of the genre, I didn’t use this system very much. But players who like to get deep into combat have much room to tinker around with. The system is so flexible that you can tell a team member to execute a specific Skill after taking a certain percentage of damage.

The story of Sword Art Online Last Recollection heavily benefits from the player having watched the anime or read the light novel. However, casual players can still follow the basic plot enough to be invested. This is largely due to the campaign covering some pretty interesting topics and its fantastic cast of characters. At its core, Last Recollection is about legacy and the mark we leave on others. Although the world as we know it technically ends when we die, the people we love are still around after we are gone. As a result, our actions are still carried on with our friends and family. The game also explores topics of war and prejudice. At the beginning of the campaign, one of the main characters, Dorothy, is treated badly for being a Darklander. In an emotional scene, she explains that not everyone from her homeland wants to go to war, and people like her are trying to stop it.

The moment becomes emotionally complicated, though, as both sides have lost loved ones due to the conflict, and even Dorothy has killed innocent people. Kirito wrestles with this because all he has ever known is the other side being the “enemy,” Now he’s being asked to work alongside them. Although Last Recollection largely covers events from the War of Underworld anime arc, most of the game revolves around a new story. Despite this, some players may feel a little out of place trying to grasp the lore of the world and the conflict that hangs over everything. I did appreciate that Bandai Namco included a quick recap during the tutorial section that does a decent job explaining key plot points without overstressing its welcome.

Screenshot of Dorothy in Sword Art Online Recollection
Image via Bandai Namco

What will likely be a make-or-break design choice for some fans of the franchise is the game’s level design. Cutting to the chase, Sword Art Online Last Recollection is mostly a linear game that does not have a massive open world map. Like 2021’s Tales of Arise, large campaign sections have players exploring semi-open world sections. While not spacious, each level section is packed with hidden items and areas to explore. As a big fan of the recent Tales games, I personally do not mind this overworld system. The trade-off to this is that the game has a more story-driven campaign that is constantly propelling you through the world. Last Recollection also does a lot to make the Dark Territory an interesting place you want to explore. For example, encounter statues throughout the Dark Territory act as challenges to test your combat skills.

Passing these statue exams earns you Skill Points, which can be used to level up your combat. There are also Dark Purification areas in the overworld filled with strong enemies. In Purification zones, you get access to hunting quests. These monster-slaying side quests add another layer of depth to the game’s map, as players who want to level up or complete every quest can explore every nook and cranny to find powerful enemies to vanquish for rewards and skill points. Some of the enemies only show up after you have completed certain puzzles or have discovered a specific item. So, while the overworld may be too linear for some fans, I think Bandai Namco does a lot to make up for this decision by packing each section with things to uncover and interact with.

Sword Art Online Last Recollection is a great action RPG with accessible combat that makes every encounter exciting. While some players may have an issue with the game’s more linear-level designs, the game stays anchored by an emotionally charged story with a likable cast of characters. Overall, SAO manages to streamline the best systems from its MMO origins while integrating them into an action-packed adventure title.

Sword Art Online Last Recollection is now available on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC.

Sword Art Online Last Recollection


While some fans may not be a fan of its linear design, Sword Art Online Last Recollection delivers on making a fun action-RPG MMO hybrid adventure.

Food for thought:
  • While I think the recap system did a good job, I think the game could have used more cutscenes fleshing out certain characters for new players jumping in for the first time.
  • I really recommend doing the statue challenges in the Dark Territory. Some of the later boss battles are really difficult, and this is a great way to earn Skill Points.
  • Although extremely risk, the Skill Connect feature can turn the tides of any battle if used strategically at the right time. Seriously, chaining the right moves can do potent damage.
  • While the game defaults to Kirito, players should try jumping around to other characters. Some of them are really fun to play, and a perfect way to try out different weapon types.
    If you want to know more, check out Siliconera's review guide.
    Brent Koepp
    About The Author
    Based in California, Brent is an Editor at Siliconera and has been a journalist since 2010. When he's not playing JRPGs or catching 'em all in Pokémon, you can find him spending time with his wife and two dogs.

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