Game Freak’s Ken Sugimori Draws Pulseman In First Illustration Series Video

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We reported back in November that Game Freak are expanding their social media presence with new Twitter and Youtube channels that go behind the scenes with staff, and this time they have launched a new illustration series, starting with their action-platformer game Pulseman.


Check out their video below:


Ken Sugimori was also the director of Pulseman, and the video goes into the origin of the character as well, such as how the character originally was called Spark and shot flames. When drawing Pulseman, he focuses on the bright colors that signify Pulseman as a “hero”.


Pulseman was released for Sega Mega Drive in Japan back in 1994.

Alistair Wong
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Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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