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The Costumes, Oh So Many Costumes, In New Atelier Rorona



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Continuing the countdown for New Atelier Rorona: Origin Story of the Alchemist of Arland, the latest video on the game shows off lots and lots of costume changes for all characters—from swimsuits to more mundane wear—as well as the cross-play feature that lets you take your game anywhere if you have a copy of the game on both PS3 and Vita.


If you’re the sort who wanders off from a game for weeks or months and then completely forgot what you were doing, they also show off the message log system which tracks every major conversation in the game for you to quickly find your place.



There’s also an included illustration collection page for you to unlock and collect all the varied drawings and illustrations – particularly nice since it shows off concept drawings for character art!



New Atelier Rorona: Origin Story of the Alchemist of Arland will be available November 21 for PS3 and Vita.


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