
Before The Gods Created Humans, They Experimented On This Secret Continent

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Lords of Xulima is a 2.5D, old-school RPG indie game has gotten not much press but has impressively managed to finance its way to its $10,000 goal already, via IndieGoGo.


What’s cool about the game is that it has no qualms about being hardcore RPG, with dozens of skills and a deep battle system that requires quite a bit of strategy from the looks of it.



While the Spanish developers behind it Numantian Games are a new studio, they’ve already built up an impressive tech demo and the game is looking solid and well-designed. With a release date in January 2014 that is both “soon enough” for many while being believably reachable given the demos shown—something I personally look for when I fund any title— it also has decently priced options for potential buyers; Free shipping (Very important for people like me who don’t live in the US) as well as printed copies of a game guide and bestiary for just $75. 


While there are big name options currently running Steam Greenlight campaigns (Most notably Might and Magic X) those looking for alternative options might find Lords of Xulima interesting. The developers are also promising Mac and Linux versions that are not tied to stretch goals. Great news!


I’m also digging the premise behind the game—an entirely new, hidden continent of Earth from whence the Gods had once watched from afar, creating creature after creature before finally settling on good old us.


There’s about 4 days of funding left to go, so it’s not too late to hop in on this title.





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